Underpinning all modules available within AssessNET, Task Manager is positioned as a central hub to manage all actions generated within and between modules.
With weekly notifications as standard, users with actions assigned are automatically notified of their outstanding tasks to ensure risk remains managed within your business. Notification frequencies can be changed according to your specific requirements.
Straight-forward task list:
- All tasks are listed in a central panel, grouped by overdue, upcoming and future actions
- Comprehensive search tools allow granular filtering to drill down to the actions most important at a given moment in time
- Colour coordinated and iconized entries to easily identify actions based on their status and originating module
Configurable notification workflows:
- Weekly task notification emails summarising overdue and upcoming action counts for the week ahead
- Notifications that are only deployed if an action becomes overdue by the next email summary date
- Automated task escalation to inform line managers when actions within their team are not being completed within specified timeframes
- Recurring task feature for those actions thatย are required to be viewed and completed regularly
Details when you need it:
- Simple summary information in the main task list
- High-level detail when viewing the details of an action
- Links to the originating report for when the wider context is needed in order to fulfil the action
Key features of our Task Manager
Integrate with all modules in AssessNET
Automated task escalation to ensure ongoing compliance
Record notes and attach files to tasks to show progress or completion status
Configurable notification workflows to ensure actions are completed efficiently
Granular overview of tasks by department, location, module record or individual
Users can easily upload supporting evidence (including photos and videos) to show progress on actions