Despite every effort to assess risk within your business, unexpected hazards appear, including trip hazards, vehicle movement and unsafe working practices.
It is vital to identify hazards and act as quickly as possible. Equip your employees and contractors with a tool to report hazards around your sites. Empower your employees to take responsibility for identifying hazards, resulting in a safer working environment for everyone.
Provide a simple tool for reporting hazards:
- Create standardised reporting for all hazard types within your business
- Easily accessible, Hazard Reporting can be accessed from any internet-enabled device via AssessNET’s Portal service without needing user logins
Notifications sent only to those who need them:
- Not all hazards are equal. Use the comprehensive workflow tools to ensure the correct people within your business receive reports based on severity or location
- Customise your reporting rules via notification tools
- Categorise hazards based on risks or custom category levels
Assign actions and follow-ups:
- Assign remedial actions that trigger automatic email notifications to employees, track progress, and review outcomes in the assessment report
- Use the automated action and task escalation feature so you don’t miss crucial milestones
Key features of our Hazard Reporting software
Configure a risk matrix to align with your policies and processes
Use the intuitive reporting functionality to eliminate the need to train employees
Documents, images and notes can be attached to each hazard that is identified and resolved
Set customisable notification workflows to suit your needs
Provide quick and simple access to reporting forms via our easy-to-use Employee Portal
Identify recurring hazards and implement measures to mitigate associated risks